Women Empowerment

“You can judge a Nation, and how successful it is based on how it treats its Women and Girls”- said Barack Obama the former US President. Empowering women has always been a top priority in the agenda of every government of every nation. The question which arises now is Have we become successful in our endeavor, in spite of all?
The harsh fact is in spite of all efforts, propaganda and agendas the state of women in today’s world is nothing great, though the situation is better in the more developed nations, it is in abhorrent state in most places. Now the question lies who is going to improvise the current scenario? Does the responsibility lies solely on the government, or women activist’s or the NGO’s?
The answer is NO. The responsibility lies on each of us. We are responsible for our own empowerment. We are responsible for exercising our own rights.
Bose once said that “Freedom is not granted, it is taken.” Similarly we can’t expect someone to bestow our rights upon us, cause no one is going to do that. We have to snatch our own rights and powers. We have to battle for our freedom, and what we deserve.
Being a part of one of the Centralized Education Institute of India where the Female to Male ratio is roughly 1:8, I can comprehend how difficult it is for a woman to win the general college election or even become the Training and Placement Representative(TPR), or the mere Class Representative. Hillary Clinton once pointed to our CM during one of her visits to Kolkata that, It was equally difficult for women to get elected in US, as in other parts of the world.
Dear readers we as women don’t wish to treated exclusively like princesses or dolls in show case, we just want to treated like a normal human being irrespective of gender biases. We don’t need special treatment, all we need from you is respect and a congenial atmosphere to live, breathe and work. We are tired of having to fight each day for our freedom and rights, but the fact is if we don’t, none will give us. We want Freedom, and we will have it irrespective of all, and this responsibility lies with us. Dear ladies, its my earnest request to you, Come out of Your Closets and Seize the World.
Sanhita Pal

A Neophyte (^_^)


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