Cow Vigilantism

Cow Vigilantism 

India is a country that is full of surprises. I mean to say the things that persist in India cannot be seen easily in other countries. Here, most of the people use to decide what is right and what is wrong by themselves. They themselves decide whom to punish and in what manner. They behave like they are above the law and in course of that some innocent people have to face whip of tyranny of people. Recent time has seen a new uprising in case of lynching of so- called wrongdoers. Some of them have also taken a toll of life of people. Many of them have potential to kindle riot also. One of the most common practice in present time is doing anything in the name of cow. These cow vigilantes pretend of chauvinism and from behind the veil they create an atmosphere of tension and unrest.
In recent incident in which a person name Akhlaq was allegedly caught for keeping beef in house was mercilessly beaten till his last breath in UP by crowd. Later, it was found a rumor and an innocent person has to cost his life, not only this similar incident was recorded in Raebaraily and Ramgarh in this year. Around half of the case is either found to be rumor or have a little bit of truth in it and even it is true do we got right to punish them or we are having law for them? Is gravity of crime same as killing of people? Even in killing of people accused don't get death sentence at least not in inhuman manner and who is punishing them an illiterate crowd who is promising of protecting interest of cows. Actually, they are not protecting rights of cows but they are doing according to an agenda. Agenda to gain popularity by establishing themselves as messiah of Hindu.
We need to understand that cows are alike other animals and each people is having own use of it. Those people who need their flesh and skin are not barred because of someone other's belief, that's not fare and above all, imposing our interest and belief by force is not fruitful and is a crime. That’s, why supreme court of India lift ban on slaughtering of cows in 2005 and granting state to decide its own law.
There is need of adopting zero tolerance policy on those who took law in their hands. Then after we are able to keep control on these cow vigilantes.
                                                                                    ~~ cptn_neemo


  1. Is it always true that what you listen is the reality? Is it always true that what you feel is the reality? No, obviously not. It was never and still not yet. Neither in world nor in our India.
    Cows who are sought and believed to be a sacred animal in our country are getting a great vigilance nowadays not just because the slaughters are increasing and trying to give their cruel feelings due to probably they are against some religious beliefs, but also others are not even giving their eye into this arena.
    Their might be some dirty political ideas behind it or not if you don't believe but as issue is getting heat our perceptions are also changing. We all know what we think and what do they. But what is the change? What can we do? Bring it to a personal zone or national. No matter what, it's gonna b political always. Only thing is that we have to change our mentality. And there is one saying ' you must know what is right but not just think'.
    The slaughters are sought to be the the one of single community or not we must not say but do some actions against them. Not on some physical punishments neither mental. We have to change their thinking, their perception to take care of each other's goods. Oh come on, if some normal human can put dirt in their mind why can't we polish. The views are said to be good only if you make it experience the world. Although we can't talk about something but we can create something... Hopefully good.

  2. Many of us are getting trapped in dogma that protecting cows is only duty assigned to Hindus of this nation.Actually,we need to think about every perspective of preaching of Hinduism.Hinduism is more than the religion that worship cows .It is religion that teaches us tolerance,brotherhood and above all non -violence.No doubt it teaches us to worship cows but it doesn't say to kill and punish anyone who doesn't follow that.You are saying that we need to punish those who doesn't follow our beliefs, actually you are trying to impose your views forcefully on the minority one. This is same as radical islamist of Syria who are killing people to impose their views.So inspite of polishing someone else views we need to stop relating cow vigilantism with Hinduism.Some people just using name of cows to establish themselves as messiah of Hindus and attract limelight for political beneficiary.And blindly supporting them in the name of religion we indirectly help them in their intention.So,inspite of taking law in our hand and deciding who is right or wrong we need to leave it to the court to decide what is better in this context.


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