
Women Empowerment

“You can judge a Nation, and how successful it is based on how it treats its Women and Girls”- said Barack Obama the former US President. Empowering women has always been a top priority in the agenda of every government of every nation. The question which arises now is Have we become successful in our endeavor, in spite of all? The harsh fact is in spite of all efforts, propaganda and agendas the state of women in today’s world is nothing great, though the situation is better in the more developed nations, it is in abhorrent state in most places. Now the question lies who is going to improvise the current scenario? Does the responsibility lies solely on the government, or women activist’s or the NGO’s? The answer is NO. The responsibility lies on each of us. We are responsible for our own empowerment. We are responsible for exercising our own rights. Bose once said that “Freedom is not granted, it is taken.” Similarly we can’t expect someone to bestow our rights upon us, cause

Cow Vigilantism

Cow Vigilantism  India is a country that is full of surprises. I mean to say the things that persist in India cannot be seen easily in other countries. Here, most of the people use to decide what is right and what is wrong by themselves. They themselves decide whom to punish and in what manner. They behave like they are above the law and in course of that some innocent people have to face whip of tyranny of people. Recent time has seen a new uprising in case of lynching of so- called wrongdoers. Some of them have also taken a toll of life of people. Many of them have potential to kindle riot also. One of the most common practice in present time is doing anything in the name of cow. These cow vigilantes pretend of chauvinism and from behind the veil they create an atmosphere of tension and unrest. In recent incident in which a person name Akhlaq was allegedly caught for keeping beef in house was mercilessly beaten till his last breath in UP by crowd. Later, it was found a rumor

GCC Diplomatic Crisis

In the holy month of Ramadan we witnessed a surprise diplomatic breakdown between the GCC countries which were once known as brotherly states. A coalition led by SAUDI  ,UAE,BAHRAIN and 9 others countries had cut ties with the state of QATAR and imposed a Land ,Sea and Air blockade . Accusing Qatar of funding terrorist organisations in Syria and Iraq  and criticizing  AL JAZEERA (the media of Qatar). Qatar had  denied the allegations  claiming it to be false .The allegations were based on a report published by the Qatar News agency which had a fake remarks attributed to the Emir of Qatar ,Sheikh Hamad Bin Thani  that expressed support for Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah and Israel . The emir was quoted as saying: "Iran represents a regional and Islamic power that cannot be ignored and it is unwise to face up against it. It is a big power in the stabilization of the region." Later it was found out that the website was hacked by freelancer hackers and where paid to do this job. Qat

9 Ways To Be Healthy Mentally

After joining college you become the master of your own future, you become independent and you are free to choose whatever you like to study .  But with hardwork  comes great responsibility , your parents send you to college become something ,to learn how life will be after 4 years or 6 years , after you graduate and to learn how to face problems and deal with it . In this 4 years you will go through a lot ( I am in Second but I still I know there are going to be problems in the upcoming years ). So while you solve your problems ,maybe you might lose your mental balance and trust me this can happen several times (depending on person to person).Physical  health and mental health is the most important aspect of yourself .Unless you aren’t physically or mentally fit you can’t study . So I will give you 9 tips which I think may help you keep a balance ( PS: I am not a professional counsellor or something ,just a student like you guys). 1.EAT GOOD FOOD. I might sound ironic here, bu

A Necessary Evil

Sports are often referred to as the opium of the masses. It’s simple- Pick your preferred team on the basis of varied criteria, ranging from analysed and collated performance data all the way to the exact number of bodacious cheerleaders.  Now support this team to death and your 2-step program is complete. Unknown foreign players from distant unimaginable lands become household names. They’re praised in bundles for their success and insulted in truckloads for their failures. They’re boycotted, railed upon and in some cases even physically harmed in the process of proving your fandom. Clearly, a lot of people invest (Match fixers and bookies aside) a ton of emotions and expectations in sports. All this does is increase the pressure to perform. But the unfortunate beginning to our subject is that not everyone can perform under the pressure. They’re left with two basic alternatives. Retire a failed hero and spend your days reminding people why you look familiar. Or (the less dramatic

Lost in Definitions

                                                                 Good Morning Sir, how’s your day been? I see you’re getting comfortable in your seat. Though it’s hardly a movie worth getting comfortable for, I hope you enjoy the advertisements at least. Oh I’m sorry; it’s time to forget the inclination of your seat, for the next 52 seconds at least. Sir I must say, you look spectacularly glorious with your hand on your heart and your voice in full swing. I hate to disturb you in the middle of this, but could you spare a second to discuss why you are standing right now? You and I reside in a country where the courts feel the need to weigh in on the patriotic feelings and actions of its residents. According to the Supreme Court, citizens "are duty-bound to show respect to the national anthem which is the symbol of the constitutional patriotism. Any different notion or the perception of individual rights is constitutionally impermissible." My first question- Who lays do


The Webster dictionary describes Feminism as, “   The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities.” When we type the word feminism the first description which pops up is the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. Most people think of Feminism to be simply the advocacy of women’s rights, women empowerment, facilitating women, conveniently ignoring the later part- the purpose, which is nothing but simply Equality of both the Sexes. Often people, mostly men tend to think of women who propagate feminism as Misandristic. I am sure many people are unaware of what misandry means and its difference from feminism. Misandry is dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against men (i.e. the male sex). I have seen people often confusing the meaning of feminism with that of misandry and having a negative idea or connotation about feminism. My dear readers advocating for the women and being against men is not feminism it is m