9 Ways To Be Healthy Mentally

After joining college you become the master of your own future, you become independent and you are free to choose whatever you like to study .  But with hardwork  comes great responsibility , your parents send you to college become something ,to learn how life will be after 4 years or 6 years , after you graduate and to learn how to face problems and deal with it . In this 4 years you will go through a lot ( I am in Second but I still I know there are going to be problems in the upcoming years ). So while you solve your problems ,maybe you might lose your mental balance and trust me this can happen several times (depending on person to person).Physical  health and mental health is the most important aspect of yourself .Unless you aren’t physically or mentally fit you can’t study . So I will give you 9 tips which I think may help you keep a balance ( PS: I am not a professional counsellor or something ,just a student like you guys).


I might sound ironic here, but trust me the hostel food is going to be a night mare you are going to hate it . So to keep a balance buy fruits and eat it everyday , someday you might end up not eating anything because of the quality of food or maybe you are just bored of the same taste again and again , you might use fruits as a good backup and green tea if you like it. Never miss breakfast , engineers are known for having only two meals day (Because no one wakes up in the morning ).
But trust me it’s the most important meal of the day, even a plate of puri and sabzi (the one you get in hall 5 canteen ) is enough to sustain you till lunch. Maggi will be your important partner throughout  the year ,but try to avoid maggi sometimes and eat  fruits or have biscuits instead of it . On the  weekends  try avoiding  junk food and try having good authentical  indian food . Keep a handy packet of dry fruits as they are a source of good energy in between meal time. Buy a bottle of honey and every morning and evening take a spoonful with 2-3 almonds. Having healthy food is vital in keeping  good health physically and mentally


For Freshman , you guys will have to wake up everyday or alternative days at 6  for physical education and you guys are going to hate it(even I hated it).But trust me you are going to understand the benefit of it later ( but anyways the attendance thing is just bizarre ,just keep up to it) . A physically fit body helps your mind work faster and keeps you fresh throughout the day. For the seniors , you guys need to come out of the hostel and get a hobby . Just one hour in the morning or afternoon ,whenever you are free ,you can either join gym or just go out for a walk with friends .Find something that makes you happy so that you can spend more time with it.
 According to the Mental Health Organization, “A clear distinction is often made between ‘mind’ and ‘body’ but when considering mental health and physical health, the two should not be thought of as separate. Poor physical health can lead to an increased risk of developing mental health problems.”

It will definitely help you decrease stress level and improve your mood.


YES,I understand Engineering is hectic and you only open your books before the exams . But getting at least 8 hours of sleep is very important to the body . I know some of you will disagree and think that doing an all-nighter before the exams is logical thing , It is sometimes but making a habit of it is not good. Well you might feel better after the exams but your body wont .Sleep deprived students get sick because their immune systems run at reduced levels .  You will soon understand that sleep deprivation in not only affecting you mentally and physically but it is also affecting your GPA. Lack of sleep makes your brain weak and inability to concentrate and retain information .
We need to be mindful about the time we go to bed, how many hours we sleep and understand what prevents us from not getting the sleep that we need.


It is good to work hard and challenge yourself ,but find some time for yourself. Do anything which makes you happy , walk around the campus ,watch tv shows or movies , talk with friends and maybe just meditate (If you like it).Trust me your going to have a hard time dealing with the professors and balancing your club work and studies(if you are in any ) . Anyways finding time for your exhausted mind is essential in keeping a balance between personal life and studies. If your brain power runs slow  , you wont have the emotional and mental capacity to be your normal self.
Weekends are the best time to relax and release your stress . I would recommend you to go for a movie with friends or maybe go to Kolkata and explore the amazing beauty of the City of Joy. It will refresh you and you can start fresh on Monday .Trust me college is the best time to hang out with friends and create memories, make your college life a memorable one .


I understand if you are an introvert it’s  tough to share  your  feelings with everyone .All the more, in college ,far away from parents its even hard to share all your feelings or experiences through calls or emails . So the only people around you are your friends and seniors ,they are going to be your parents and support system for next four years .So you need to be open start sharing your emotions and feelings with them , they can surely help you in your difficult times .I am not telling you to share your emotions with everyone ,find one or two special  friends whether it be he/she doesn’t matter and find the right friends who you think may help you through your difficult times (it will be hard ,I know but you can just try).Seniors are the people who can help you a lot ,they have gone through all the things you are going through and they can help you in studies and guide you on how to survive in NIT .They can help you get into clubs and increase your contacts. Finding the right group of friends or seniors may take time ,but once you find them your life is sorted . In college it is always good to be socially active and an extrovert , learn to accept and enjoy the fun people make of you it will help to knock your ego. Don’t be too mindful of other’s opinion about you, these are seasonal and subject to change. Remember, what makes you is the belief in yourself and the priorities you assign to yourself. (if you don’t find anyone talk to me I will try to be your good friend) .


This is the hardest part of college life, but reality is everyone goes through this one time or multiple times in life .Failure will come in many forms, failing in subject, failing to get a job, failing to convince your crush to go out with you , failing to get into a club and many other forms of rejection. Failure is the worst thing of college life and it breaks downs many people.
Look at failure as another opportunity to do things in a better way. This way every failure will help you explore new and interesting ways and keep the excitement on. If you have sincerely tried your best and yet you have failed, celebrate! As you are among those chosen group of people who have been selected to explore and try new ways.
Getting bogged down by failure  and taking any extreme step is the stupidest things to do. Never try to find solace of your failure by getting into  any sort of addiction. This doesn’t help solve the problem, it just deflects your focus temporarily and once you are sober, you are again face to face with the problem.  Instead, ask yourself, how can I do this differently?  Remember life is at all times a learning curve which moves in the upwardly direction plotted on the axis of time and experiences.
”if you never failed ,you never tried something new in life” –Albert Einstein
Only way to overcome the fear of failure is to start accepting  it , the faster you start accepting failure ,easier it will be to forget it and to believe that you are born for something more better then this and believe that this is not the end .

7. Say NO to ragging

Freshman’s  I know this is harsh but accept it ,seniors are waiting to make you work for them .I would advice you to stay away from it , people will make you feel that its just a matter of one year and then you are free from it.But trust me its going to hurt you emotionally and physically . People think that if you zone in ,you have a advantage of getting into clubs and stuff but this isn’t true .It i

8. Communicate regularly with your family.

Sometime you need love(not from your friend or girlfriend) but from your parents  ,they are always waiting for your call. Just a 10 minutes or 15 min talk can help you solve all your problems .Remember at the end ,your family is the most important thing in your life. They will support you at any circumstances in life ,they will always stand by you even if the whole world is against you . Always remember the way you treat your parents, your kids will treat you in the same manner .Never Forget to take their blessings everyday .

9. Pray & Meditate

No matter which god you pray it or which religion you follow. We all are created by One God and all our souls are connected by a universal force which is love . There is no religion in the world which tells you to hate someone . Praying to God in any ways is always beneficial , it will create a fear of god in you and help you distinguish between the right and wrong . God is by our side all the times ,he will always look after us , you just need to believe in him .So whenever you get free time or before sleeping ,just sit and thank god for whatever he gave you in life and ask forgiveness for all the bad things you did in the day .

Meditation is a very useful technique to keep your mind in control. Our mind is like a monkey, always jumping around thoughts and emotions and it is necessary to bring it into control .Meditations has many benefits ,it helps you control your emotions and increases your concentration .10 to 15 min of meditation everyday can help you immensely to keep a balance of mental health and Peace .


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