Cow Vigilantism
Cow Vigilantism India is a country that is full of surprises. I mean to say the things that persist in India cannot be seen easily in other countries. Here, most of the people use to decide what is right and what is wrong by themselves. They themselves decide whom to punish and in what manner. They behave like they are above the law and in course of that some innocent people have to face whip of tyranny of people. Recent time has seen a new uprising in case of lynching of so- called wrongdoers. Some of them have also taken a toll of life of people. Many of them have potential to kindle riot also. One of the most common practice in present time is doing anything in the name of cow. These cow vigilantes pretend of chauvinism and from behind the veil they create an atmosphere of tension and unrest. In recent incident in which a person name Akhlaq was allegedly caught for keeping beef in house was mercilessly beaten till his last breath in UP by crowd. Later, it was found a r...